Evan Gearing's Photography Exposition


Walking Thru Arches

Last week my mission was to get a shot of the Texas Capitol along with the Frost Bank Building and the Austonian from the north side of the Capitol where Congress Ave t’s into the Blanton Museum of Art.  I wanted to get a similar shot that my friend Dave Wilson has gotten before.  But, morning is not a good time to get that particular shot.  You see, it can be hazy in the morning plus the Frost Bank building’s lights are not lit at that time.  That can make for a rather dull photo.  So, while I was in front of the Blanton, I decided to turn around and get some shots of the maintenance crews cleaning up the place.  This is one of the archways that surround the Blanton while one member of the crew walks thru.  Not sure if you can tell, but I took some liberties with the architecture there.  Can you tell?

Food Trailers by the Chevron

Song Stuck In My Head

Sorry, but I had to get this out there…  I heard this song on a commercial the other day and I just can’t shake it.  I thought I’d share it because it’s just so catchy!  I hated disco then and still hate it now, but this thing just grabs me for some reason. Granted, it’s not totally disco, but it has a sort of disco beat to it. But beware, it’s catchy and you might have the same problem as me as far as sleeping goes… None! 😉  Click at your own risk! BTW… Is the lead singer’s name “Sniff”? 😉  “Driver’s Seat, Driver’s seat, yeahhh!!!”

Sam’s No3

Across from where we stayed in Denver is a great restaurant called “Sam’s No3”.  It sits on the corner of 15th and Curtis.  Eileen and I ate breakfast there the first and last mornings of our trip.  I can’t tell you how other meals are, but if they’re anything like their breakfasts, you’ll be impressed!  They had a wide variety of stuff and huge portions!  I’m not trying to shill for them, but we really enjoyed it.  I liked it so much that I thought I should at least get a shot of it, especially at night.  It has this old 50’s era diner look to it which I think is cool.  What do you think?

Running a Red Light at Larimer Square

Larimer Square (which  I think is really a street, but called a square) is a stretch of road that lasts for about a block on the west side of Denver and is packed with lots of cool restaurants and markets.  The thing that really caught my eye were the flags and lights strung across the street.  I tried to capture those as well as I could and I was also able to catch a taxi running the red light while crossing 15th St.